
ISO 24409 the new standard – IMO Resolution A.760(18) revision

Geplaatst op 11 November 2016

The IMO (International Maritime Organization) has announced that Resolution A.760(18) regarding safety signage on board vessels, which dates back to 1993, has become outdated and is expected to be revised in 2018. The revised resolution will refer to the ISO 24409 standard. In anticipation of this, the IMO is calling on all users to apply ISO 24409 from today onwards.

Blomsma Signs & Safety has already been working on the basis of ISO 24409 for some time. The current IMO A.760(18) does not fit in well in practical terms with the existing standards defined for safety signage. We are therefore pleased to see that the new standard is now also being defined officially, given that safety signage should be a system and a means of communication for making work on board a vessel as safe as possible.

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