
Blomsma Signs & Safety starts GHS pipemarking PPG

Geplaatst op 2 October 2014

GHS pipemarking – Blomsma Signs & Safety received the contract for engineering and installation of GHS pipe marking from PPG Industries for their Fiber Glass plant in Hoogezand.

By sanctioning the project, PPG Hoogezand ensures that all GHS markings on pipes are realized before the deadline of the 1st of june 2015.

All pipemarkers are manufactured in a 3M Scotchcall quality with a 3M based production method. A base chemical resistant and UV blocking polyester ensures a color vast and protected marking for a period of at least 10 years. The 3M factory warranty of 5 years emphasizes the sustainable quality of these markings.

Besides the prescribed EU-GHS symbols (CLP), assumptions from the NEN3050 legislation are integrated in the roll markings. Medium name and color, a flow direction arrow and a unique item number form a part of the pipe markers. The pipe markers will be positioned pragmatically, with the focus on legally required and operational desired.

Previous executed projects at for instance the PPG Industries Chemicals site at Delfzijl (Farmsum) are the starting points for execution and uniformity within the Dutch PPG sites.

For more information about PPG Fiber Glass you can visit their website: www.ppg.com

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