
ISO 16069

What is ISO 16069

The ISO 16069 is an international standard which describes the principles for the design and applications of visual components for an escape route guidance system;

ISO 16069 – Graphical symbols – Escape route marking systems

The ISO 16069 describes the scope, objective, planning strategy, components and requirements for the implementation of an escape route guidance system. The standard describes implementation principles for both electrical and phosphorescent (trailing edge) components. An escape route guidance system consists of multiple (luminous) components which together provide a direction for people who need to leave a building or location for safety reasons.

“Safety way guidance systems (SWGS) shall provide the users of the building with consistent, coherent information so that they can be evacuated efficiently from any occupancy unit to a safe area” – ISO 16069:2017

Why there is the ISO 16069

This international standard stands for a uniform design of an escape route guidance system. The advantages of a uniform system is that it is understood by a large audience. In addition, the application of a system is a way to realize planned markings and informative elements, resulting in a complete safety facility. The ISO 16069 fills a global need to realize an escape route system in buildings and objects in an unambiguous way.

The ISO 16069 can be seen as the ‘onshore’ counterpart to the maritime standard for Low Location Lighting systems, the ISO 15370. This standard is prescribed by maritime legislation for ships with a certain number of passengers on board.

In the event of smoke development from a fire in a building, the effect of emergency lighting is greatly reduced. An escape route guidance system is installed low to the ground and also provides orientation and guidance to a safe situation for these situations.

Who is the ISO 16069 for?

The ISO 16069 is for building owners and managers. The standard provides clear guidelines and tools for the design of an escape route guidance system. The ISO 16069 is also for the specialists who plan and implement an escape route management system in accordance with this standard.

What does ISO 16069 mean for you?

The ISO 16069 means for you a complete information system with the users of your building or location as its target group, for the purpose of evacuation to a safe location. The ISO 16069 is the ultimate way to strategically deal with evacuation and escape route designations. It contains instructions and principles for the positioning, operation, performance and composition of the various components, among other things. Components of an escape route guidance system according to ISO 16069 are;

  • Guide lines (backlit or electrically illuminated)
  • Door contour markings
  • Escape route markings
  • Stairway markings
  • Obstacle markings
  • Evacuation plans (ISO 23601)

ISO 16069 and Blomsma Signs & Safety

Blomsma Signs & Safety has been involved in the development of the current ISO 16069. From our role as a member of the Technical Committee ‘Graphic Symbols’ (ISO/TC145) we provide practical and technical input, discuss with submissions and responses and are part of editorial input. For example, our research into the effect of after-lighting material with measurements and test set-ups that we carried out for and on behalf of the PSPA – Photoluminescent Safety Products Association – has been included as input for use in the escape route guidance systems.

In 2012 Blomsma realized its first (onshore) escape route guidance system in a form which the ISO 16069 now describes. The project involved improving the safety and escape route signalling in the substations of the former BP Tank Terminal in Amsterdam (now Zenith Energy). BP was of the opinion that the electrical emergency lighting in the substations did not offer sufficient protection and guidance to the users in case of various scenarios leading to a (forced) evacuation. A comprehensive system has been consistently installed in all substations by means of fluorescent strips, door contour markings and corresponding evacuation plans. However, Blomsma's projects for escape route guidance systems for onshore locations date back to the 90s. With the application of after-glow guidance strips in the (service) basement corridors and rooms of ESA - ESTEC Noordwijk. Here we made the link from maritime legislation (IMO/Solas) and applied it as best practice in the disorienting corridor system of ESA - ESTEC.


Getting started with ISO 16069

Do you also want to get started with an escape route guidance system according to ISO 16069? First determine your scope and roll out strategy. Starting with a pilot or test installation can give a good impression of the expected result. We can be of service for both orientation projects and full implementation. Blomsma takes care of the realisation of escape route guidance systems from A-Z, light measurement and light frequency measurements of existing lighting, inventory and preparation of a signage plan, technical and safety drawings, production and supply of escape route signalling and post-lighting guidance systems, up to and including the performance measurement of the phosphorescent material.

If your project concerns a ship, the ISO 15370 should be applied. For mobile offshore drilling units this standard is also used, as prescribed by IMO resolution A.1023(26),

With the combination of our knowledge of the standard, the interfaces from other sectors with similar applications and best practices, we relieve our clients and realize the appropriate solution for each situation.

The ISO 16069:2017 is available from, among others,:

ISO : https://www.iso.org/fr/standard/66837.html

Beuth : https://www.beuth.de/de/norm/iso-16069/282481332

NEN : https://www.nen.nl/en/nen-iso-16069-2020-en-274523


  • ISO 16069 standard for escape route guidance system
  • International standard, harmonization and uniformity
  • Used for electrical and phosphorescent materials
  • For owners and managers of buildings and objects
  • Helps with orientation and evacuation of buildings and objects
  • Complies with ISO 70710, ISO 23601 and ISO/TS 20559
  • Blomsma implements full ISO 16069 escape route guidance systems